To order or learn more please contact us on one of the options below:

ㅤ Mobile: 0822-1071-0835 or 0822-1071-0841
ㅤPhone: 021 - 56973937, 021 - 5632067, 021 - 56980017
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NO. Products
1 Acetic Acid
2 Ascorbic Acid
3 Citric Acid
4 Corn Starch
5 Creamer (MDC)
6 Dextrose
7 Guar Gum
8 Malto Dextrine
9 Pottassium Sorbate
10 Sodium Benzoate
11 Sodium Bicarbonate
12 Tepung Sagu Aren
13 Tepung Tapioka
14 Tepung Terigu
15 Xanthan Gum
16 Saccharine
17 Sodium Cyclamate